Fair, trustworthy funeral costs keeping you in control throughout the funeral arrangement process.
Young's traditional funeral services provide the highest quality of care and standards at a fair and transparent cost. We believe that honest costs allowing you to stay in control of both finances and the funeral arrangements are absolutely essential during a time of grief. Our promise to you is to not knowing sell or promote any of our services that aren't required.
The complete cost for our professional services is £2150 with third party crematorium or cemetery fee's payable in addition to this and any additional charges associated with individual choices you may or may not wish us to manage on your behalf.
What's included in Young's £2150 traditional funeral service fee?
First response collection
Bringing your loved on into our care from their place of death 24 hours a day.
Making funeral arrangements
Providing professional, award winning support in order to arrange completion of all required paperwork, liaise with all required third parties and supporting you in arranging a funeral service fitting to your loved ones final wishes.
Caring for your loved one
Providing personal care prior to the funeral service in strict accordance to final wishes.
Ceremonial duties and vehicles
Provision of our Daimler XJ3000 hearse, principal funeral director and funeral personnel to conduct the funeral service at your chosen date and venues.
How do our services compare to Co-operative funeral care and Dignity PLC?
Our focus is providing caring, supportive and dignified funeral care 24 hours a day 7 days a week when ever we are needed.
Individual options you may wish to consider alongside our traditional funeral services.
Funeral Limousines
Matching Daimler XJ3000 chauffeur driven funeral limousines to suit your requirements.
Coffins, Caskets & Urns
Young's offer a full range of traditional and contemporary coffins, caskets and urns to suite all requirements and budgets. Whether arranging your own funeral or that of a loved one we will work closely with you to chose the right option.
Funeral Stationary
Young's offer traditional funeral stationary designed and printed by us in order to ensure quality and value for money.
Floral Tributes & Funeral Flowers
Young's work closely with a number of high quality, local florists and can arrange your floral requirements for you. We do not add mark ups for this service like most other funeral directors.
Funeral Traditions
Whether you would like your loved one to return home, be received into church or you would like to arrange a Rosary service within our funeral homes service room, our highly experience funeral service staff will work closely with you to ensure your requirements are met.